الاثنين، 10 يونيو 2013

Car Insurance Quotes Can Be Funny

Car insurance quotes can be funny, and I'll tell you how. I was watching TV the other day when one of my favorite commercials came on. It is the one where the caveman gets all ticked off in the bowling alley, when the pin sweeper drops down to reveal the slogan "So Easy A Caveman..." Well, you know the rest. That commercial always makes me laugh, as do the others in the series. Unless you don't own a television you have seen these ads hundreds or thousands of times. The reason this car insurance company spends so much money on these advertisements is simple... they work. The question is, do they work for you? Is calling this company, or any other, really the best way to save the most amount of money on your auto insurance premiums?
The fact is, you often can save money by calling and switching. The problem is, even though you may find a rate that is less than the premium you are paying for your current coverage, is it really the cheapest insurance rate available for you? How will you be able to tell for sure? Really, you can't. They may be cheaper than many firms, but they are still only one company, offering you one single insurance rate quote. That's certainly not enough to know for sure they're the cheapest.
I, like many other savvy insurance shoppers, have found a better way. In fact, I think it's one of the best ways to save yourself and your family a bunch of money on your automobile policy. With this method, you can still take advantage of all the same safe driver and multiple vehicle discounts, and you can save even more by requesting higher deductibles. What is this method?
Simply stated, there are a couple of great websites on the internet that give you quick and easy access to multiple quotes from several of the best rated car insurers in the country, and with just a few clicks of your mouse you can get up to a dozen quotes back in as few as eight minutes. You just fill out one simple form, and get a whole lot of companies sending you their best, most affordable quotes. If it sounds too good to be true, it isn't. I know because I just did it, saving myself over $500 in the process. I'm not saying you will save that much, but average saving are over $430! That's worth 8 minutes of your time, right?
Since it's so easy and fast, I don't understand why everyone doesn't get a rate quotation at least once a year. Why not get your own car insurance quotes right now? After all, you won't know how much you can save until you do.
In about 8 minutes, find out how much you can save with car insurance quotes by visiting http://car--insurancequotes.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3799097

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